Meyers Log Cabin (also known as the East Berlin Log House) was built in 1832, and is located along South Avenue (behind the Post Office on 3rd Street) in East Berlin, Pennsylvania.
This two-room log structure was once home to a family of 11 near Red Hill, Berwick Township. Although eventually electrified, the house never had running water or other indoor plumbing.
Thirty volunteer members of the East Berlin Historical Preservation Society spent 350 hours in 1980-1981 disassembling, moving, and reconstructing the house in East Berlin. The 21′ by 23′ building features V-notched logs up to the weatherboard gable ends of the second floor. Hand cut nails and spikes fasten doors, window frames and floor-boards. Joists & cross beams are fastened with wooden pegs. The stone & brick fireplace was the only source of heat in early times, but a wood stove manufactured by the East Berlin Foundry has also found space in the reconstruction. In May 2019, a pent roof was added to prevent water damage.
Historical details in this post were compiled from the East Berlin Historical Preservation Society’s website.